
Mustard Seed

Posted on October 26th, by 20mOllY14aIdA in Film. No Comments

Shortfilm /
Director: Lina Roessler /
Producers: Costanza Julia Bani, Fabian Martin Diering, Lina Roessler /
Production: Molly Aida Film GmbH (Germany) and Ravens Call Inc. (Canada) /
Funded through: The Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada / The York University FGS Research and Fieldwork Fund / 2016 Alter Ego Coloring Grant

Mustard Seed is the story of a boy who witnessed the murder of his parents and sister by the SS Army during WWII. Now an old man, he relives the childhood guilt of his past, unable to move beyond the trauma.

“Mustard Seed” won first place for the “Hearts, Minds, Souls Award” at the Rhode Island Film Festival celebrating films that reflect the Jewish Experience.
“Mustard Seed” has been selected for the “Los Angeles Film Festival – Hollyshorts 2017

mustard seed molly aida film production service berlin

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