Mirny Mining Town – Living on the Abyss
Fiction Feature /
In Development /
Director: Saverio Pesapane /
Producers: Costanza Julia Bani, Fabian Martin Diering, Giovanni Pompili and Vlad Ketkovich /
Production Companies: Molly Aida Film GmbH (Germany), Kino Produzioni (Italy) and Ethnofund (Russia) /
Development funded through: Goethe Institute Moscow, AG DOK and DRA e.V. (Deutsch-Russischer Austausch e.V.) /
Nominated for: Biennale College Filmfestival Venice 2016 /
Boris, a Yakut/Russian around 20, wants to go to the „continent“ – as they call the rest of Russia in Siberia – and leave his hometown behind: Mirny, a former Soviet mono-city built on permafrost and diamond mine on the border of the biggest excavated hole in the world. Forced to save someone dear in the taiga, he has to confront himself with the old shaman and hunting traditions he has lost sight of and might change his mind.